

  • 我的名字是徐吉辰,有没有大神帮我直接翻译一个英文名字的?QAQ
  • 有道翻译

有什么软件可以把说出去的话翻译给对方 中文翻译英文 游戏使用 和国外朋友玩游戏没有翻译器

  • 有什么软件可以把说出去的话翻译给对方 中文翻译英文 游戏使用 和怠功糙嘉孬黄茬萎长联国外朋友玩游戏没有翻译器 真心搞不懂对方说什么,哪位能介绍一个好用的软件 本人小学毕业
  • 看电视领导人们开会都放个翻译器。


  • 把这句中文翻译成英文。不要翻译器谢谢我一点也不后悔当年没上大学的决定。
  • I didnt reg乏丁催股诎噶挫拴旦茎ret for my decision that I didnt take the entrance exam for the univerisity.


  • Liu Ziyun, my classmate and roommate, is one of the people I admire most.She comes from a poor family in the countryside, so she always leads a simple life. She is the only one who hasn’t a laptop computer 籂储焚肥莳堵锋瑟福鸡among us six who live in our dormitory and her mobile phone is one that has been obsoleted by one of her relatives – For her family couldn’t afford a new mobile phone. There are only less than 5 pieces of clothes she can wear all year round, thus she seems to have nothing to say in common when we’re talking about fashionable clothes and online shopping. However, she often washes her clothes very carefully so that her clothes are always clean and tidy no matter how long she has worn them. Every day, she commutes between our dormitory and classroom only with a cloth bag, in which she puts her books in. She even hasn’t a pencil box; all of her pencils and pens are put in her sports shoes, which is her only pair of sports shoes, under her bead in the dormitory. Before going to have classes, she would take out some of the pens from them into her bag to use for the whole day.However, she is a diligent and hard-working girl. On the contrary, her simplicity has become one of her advantages – While most of us are chatting, shopping online, watching movies or going to have parties, we can always see her busy with study. Often wearing a sunny smile, she has never stopped striving for a bright future, which looks as if she weren’t from a family that is worse off. As well, when someone of us needs helping, she is willing to give a hand at any time. Her grades are very good, always coming out in front among those of all the students in our class.问题补充: 100分哦!
  • I guess you do have a problem.


  • 中文翻译成英文,帮我翻译一段话,谢谢。(使用翻译器的亲就不用麻烦了哈)【这些图片禁止转载,禁止酣揣丰废莶肚奉莎斧极二传二改;如果我们发现了有人盗图,我们将会对其追究责任。谢谢,新年快乐。】
  • 什么?


  • 倪承乐 (男) 请问有什么英文名介绍建议~?谢谢 不要翻译器的,最好谐音,跟名字读音较相近的,万分感谢!
  • Charlie(查理)和名字谐音或是Nicole(尼古拉)都是比较常见的男性英文名


  • 1938年,28岁的李秉喆在大邱西门市场创办三星商会(即贸易公司),从事贸易和酿造业。1947年,他又在汉城创办了三星物产公司。 经过几十年的奋斗,李秉喆在创业路上创造了奇迹,积累了巨额财富。 1991年,在世界最大的工业公司中,三星集团的销售额位居第15位,李秉喆因此被人称作“创业鬼才”。 说起自己的成功决窍,他认为只有两个字——第一 三星的发展史,在某种程度上可以说与韩国的经济发展史紧密联系在一起。 李秉喆始终以敏锐的目光捕捉着国内外每一个时期的经济发展动向,选择最具挑战性的发展目标。 他认为,现代社会的显著特征之一是每个人都在竞争第一,只有这样才能鞭策自己不断努力,这样的企业才会有前途。 因此,在创业实践中,李秉喆始终标榜“三星第一主义”。
  • In 938, 28, brilliant market in daegu Simon founded samsung chamber of commerce (trading company), is engaged in the trade and brewing. In 1947, he founded in Seoul samsung products company.After decades of struggle, brilliant created a miracle in the business on the road, accumulated great wealth.In 1991, in the worlds largest industrial company, sales of samsung group ranked 15th, brilliant is therefore referred to as the "god".Speaking of his success tips, he thought that only two words, the firstThe history of samsung, to some extent, can say with closely linked to the economic development of South Korea.Brilliant with keen eye catching every period of the economic development trend both at home and abroad, choose the most challenging development goals.One of the striking feature of modern society, he argues, is everyone in the first competition, only in this way can motivate yourself constantly efforts, so that enterprises will have future.In practice, therefore, brilliant flaunt "samsung first" all the time.


  • 那位大神帮我翻译一下:In mijn geval, een topligging, goede ontvangst, zeer sociaal en vriendelijke staff. Zeer behulpzaam, steeds bereid tot hulp en support.Speciale vermelding voor de staff in de lounge: coco, sally, nancy, rachel, jone en alle stagiaires.Alle lof voor het personeel in de lounge: Sally, Nancy, Rachel, Coco, Jone, alle stagiaires, zelfs personeel dat slechts af en toe aanwezig waren.Ook veel lof aan de navigatorsstagiaires op de ground floor.Ik bewoonde een kamer: mijn voorkeur gaat uit naar een kamer zonder tapijt, een parketlaminaat vloer zou veel aangenamer zijn.Geruis van de airco zou iets stiller mogen.谢谢!
  • 朋友你想翻译就在网上找翻译器将英文翻译成中文不就行了,省得问别人


  • 不要像谷歌那种网上的那种翻译器翻译,翻译的要连贯通顺。有好心的人 留邮箱我发给你翻译!紧急紧急,翻译的好加分!
  • 中文呢 2715077907@qq.com


  • 下面是大意:女人可能天生就会给别人懦弱的感觉,但是别人从来不知道她们勇敢和独立的一面。就像图片中的昆虫一样,它独自坚强地站在花群中。我们从来不会想它如何与风吹雨打为敌,同时也不清楚它在其他突然而来的捕猎者面前如何保护自己。我们没有仔细的去观察它,但不代表它不存在。就像女人一样,我们可能很多时候都是一个人在奋斗,但别人不会知道我们有多坚强,因为我们学会了勇敢和独立的面对我们的困难。我们会像这个昆虫一样,战胜着困难,站在美丽的花朵上展示着我们最好的一面。 急急急!这是大概要表达的意思,请不要用任何翻译器翻译,真心求英语大神帮帮忙!谢谢阿!
  • Generally, women are thought to be weak. That is because people seldemly think about thier indepandence and bravery. It is just like this bug in the picture, standing alone, looks brave and beautiful, in the flowers. Wed never think of how it overcome all the storm and rain, nor do we see how it protect itself againt all the ferreters. But that we didnt oberve it doesnt mean that it didnt exist. As a woman, we may need to fight alone sometime, and others will never konw how hardworking and brave weve been, thats because we learn to be strong and independent. We will be just like this bug, overcoming all the difficulties, standing on the flowers to show our beauty and all our best.


