2021年劳动节期间,《经济学人》杂志先后连载4篇名叫”In the rich world the era of sharp-edged capitalism is giving way to a golden age for labour.”的前端观察的形势社论(Leaders)。
此篇社论是关于资本主导的社会的就业市场下 Labour【劳工;打工人】的社会报道。在富裕的发达国家(In the rich world)尖锐的资本主义时代(the era of sharp-edged capitalism)正在退位让贤于( is giving way to)一个以劳工要素为主导的打工人的黄金时代(a golden age for labour)。
这篇《The Economist》经济学人英文期刊报导了当下的发达国家的经济发展形势分析和对未来劳工与资本的关系变化的趋势洞察,完美地表现了《The Economist》经济学人英文期刊致力于为全球读者提供全球化视野。与全球知识和商业精英一起,参与一场推动前进的智慧与阻碍我们进步的胆怯无知之间的较量。下面请看英文全文及其翻译,我将在我特别注意,发现不一样的新闻视角的地方做出相关注脚与分享个人看法。
In the rich world the era of sharp-edged capitalism is giving way to a golden age for labour.
经济学人:资本退位,打工人的黄金时代正在到来2 来自Formasa 00:00 02:15 收录于话题 #The Economist 6个 As the labour market recovers,two deeper shifts are unfolding, in politics and in technology.
Start with the political environment, which is becoming friendlier to workers than it has been for decades.
An early sign of change was the surge in minimum wages during the previous economic cycle.
Relative to average wages, they rose by more than a quarter in the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, weighted by population.
Now governments and institutions are falling over themselves to chum up to workers.
President Joe Biden hopes to use his planned infrastructure splurge to promote unionisation and to pay generous wages.
Central banks are worrying ever more about jobs and less about inflation.
It was not a prank when on April 1st the IMF, once famed for its austerity, floated the idea of one-off solidarity taxes on the rich and on companies.
In his letter to shareholders this week, Jamie Dimon, the boss of JPMorgan Chase, Wall Street’s biggest firm, called for higher wages—and he wasn’t talking about CEOs
华尔街最大的公司摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的老板 Jamie Dimon在这周给公司股东的信中呼吁给员工涨薪,但并不是在谈论给高层的人涨薪。
The second big shift in the labour market is technological.
In the pandemicdoomsayers have doubled down on predictions of long-term labour-market woes.
Robots will create armies of the idle,precarious jobs are displacing stable ones and even prosperous workers chained to emails and screens know in their hearts that their “bullshit jobs” are pointless.
But as our special report this week explains,these ideas were never supported by evidence and do not look as if they are about to be now.
In 2019 nearly two-thirds of Americans said they were completely satisfied with their job security, up from less than half in 1999; a lower share of German workers felt insecure than in the mid-2000s.
Countries with the most automation, like Japan, enjoy some of the lowest unemployment.
看《The Economist》:事实与想象往往拥有不同的话语涵义,疫情给工人阶级带来了有利的生存优势,科技也可以让工人从繁杂重复的工作中解放出来。这是大势;但对于我们狭小的个体,我们只生活在具体的环境中,就没必要过分地为时代的大趋势所裹挟而过于杞人忧天。
Formasa Formasa!当葡萄牙船只在经过台湾海面时,从海上远望台湾,发现台湾岛上高山峻岭,林木蓊绿,甚为美丽,于是高呼 Formosa!我们的生活,是一个思考的历程。反对者,我要怀疑一切。怀疑者,我要反叛一切。我惊呼中,欢迎你的骂叹。 24篇原创内容 –> 公众号